1702516581 United States The House of Representatives officially begins impeachment proceedings

United States: The House of Representatives officially begins impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Syracuse, New York, February 4, 2023. US President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, in Syracuse (New York state), February 4, 2023. ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP

The US House of Representatives agreed on Wednesday, December 13, to formally open an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden, motivated by the president's son's controversial affairs abroad but viewed by Democrats as completely baseless. This approach has almost no chance of success, but could become a headache for the White House ahead of the November 2024 presidential election in which Joe Biden is running.

The Republicans “decide to waste their time with a baseless political plan,” the American president reacted on Wednesday. “Instead of working to improve the lives of Americans, their priority is attacking me with lies,” the Democrat said in a statement.

The Republican camp, which has held the majority in the House of Representatives since January, accuses the Democratic leader of using his influence during his time as Barack Obama's vice president (2009-2017) to enable his son to conduct questionable deals in China and Ukraine . “Joe Biden has repeatedly lied to the American people,” accused the chairman of the House Investigation Committee, James Comer, from the chamber.

The president, his son and the Democrats strongly deny these allegations. “My father was never financially involved in my affairs,” Hunter Biden, who has become the right’s main target, said during a rare news conference Wednesday. The fifty-year-old, whose past was marked by addiction and was charged in court on two counts, admitted he had made “mistakes” in his life. But he accused “the Trumpists” of wanting to “dehumanize” him and “harm” his father. For this reason, he refused to take part in a closed hearing organized by the Republicans, who had invited him to the Capitol on Wednesday. The president has always publicly supported Hunter Biden, often saying he is “proud” of him.

Also read: Article reserved for our subscribers Joe Biden on the defensive after Republicans launch impeachment proceedings

An investigation was opened this summer

Impeachment proceedings had already been initiated against Joe Biden in the summer, which had long been called for by elected officials close to Donald Trump. At the end of September, a first parliamentary hearing on this issue was even organized, at which the experts interviewed agreed that there was currently nothing that would justify impeachment against President Biden. “There is no evidence that President Biden committed any wrongdoing,” House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries added on Wednesday.

But Republicans believe that formally launching the investigation, decided by their votes alone, will give them additional powers and therefore new opportunities to implicate the Democratic leader. “It is time to give the American people answers,” House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, said Wednesday after the vote, assuring that he would not “take this investigation lightly.”

The U.S. Constitution provides that Congress may impeach the president for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” and the process occurs in two stages. After completing its investigation, the House of Representatives votes by a simple majority on articles of impeachment detailing the facts alleged against the president: this is known in English as “impeachment.” If there is a vote on impeachment, the Senate, the upper house of Congress, would then put the president on trial. However, he would most likely be acquitted since Joe Biden's party has the majority in that chamber.

No president has ever been impeached in American history. Three were indicted: Andrew Johnson in 1868, Bill Clinton in 1998 and Donald Trump in 2019 and 2021. But all were ultimately acquitted. Richard Nixon chose to resign in 1974 to avoid certain impeachment by Congress due to the Watergate scandal.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers American presidential election 2024: “What is more likely to weaken Joe Biden, the candidate for his re-election, is none other than Joe Biden himself.”

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