Unjust sanctions against me now I cant travel anymore

“Unjust sanctions against me, now I can’t travel anymore”

She is only 24, but already a successful woman. Elizaveta Peskovathe daughter of Dmitri Peskov (Putin’s spokesman) has founded a communications company and is the director of a foundation with a master’s degree in international relations – and a thesis on the influence of Turkish and Iranian lobbies on the direction of US foreign policy – with almost 250,000 followers on Instagram. Blonde and hazel eyes, her social media profiles are full of photos of her in heels and designer dresses in art galleries or relaxing in Sochi. “I totally understand that I have more opportunities than others because obviously I don’t come from a family like any other — he told Business Insider — but without a brain, you can’t turn those opportunities into something.”

“The daughter of Putin’s spokesman works in the European Parliament”: The case of sexy Elizaveta breaks out

Peskov’s daughter against sanctions

His family it has been hit by sanctions from across the West. In particular, his father Dmitry, who is the main speaker of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin’s husband. According to the United States, Elizaveta would turn a profit thanks to her family’s connections to power. She, who claims to be a self-made woman, told Business Insider that she was affected by the sanctions: “To me it’s completely unfair and unfounded — she said — I was really surprised because it’s weird, sanctions against.” introducing someone is 24 years old and has nothing to do with the situation».

The situation – he explained – will not have any major financial impact on her, but she says she has read of broader sanctions that would effectively isolate her Russia from the global financial system. “And that means there will be no more trips to places like New York, where I remember visiting Times Square with my dad when I was nine. I am angry because I would like to travel and I love different cultures ».

The Wee Morning Girl had criticized the war in a live Instagram (and the last post has a clear caption “Peace”) and then deleted it. “But I shouldn’t be blamed for the invasion,” he said. I think everyone was surprised and there is nothing to be ashamed of. I am for peace, not only in Ukraine, but all over the world».