Unnecessary raids on New Year39s Eve Kirchdorf civil defense district

Unnecessary raids on New Year's Eve: Kirchdorf civil defense district manager advises "Precautionary Abandonment" meinkreis.at

As the New Year approaches, countless fireworks and firecrackers are purchased to welcome the New Year with great fanfare. However, there is a great risk of injury, which is why the Upper Austrian Civil Defense advises people to avoid the New Year's Eve banger.

KIRCHDORF DISTRICT. Injuries to the inner ear often occur due to noise, burns and eye injuries. The noisy spectacle is also a burden for many elderly or sick people and the animal world. Environmental protection is also part of self-protection: “New Year's Eve fires put pressure on the environment – just think about the rubbish that is often not removed”, says Dieter Goppold, district manager for civil protection in Upper Austria, about the result.

“We call on all citizens to refrain from celebrating New Year’s Eve for the benefit of the environment and people – and also for themselves.”
Dieter Goppold

Look for alternatives

“We also inform the population about self-protection during the New Year's Eve fireworks display, but we say very clearly: sacrifice comes before precaution! We call on all citizens to refrain from New Year celebrations for the benefit of the environment and people – and also for themselves,” explains Goppold.

The basic rule is: The use of fireworks/New Year's Eve fireworks of category F2 (in Austria this is the most sold category; the category they fall into is indicated on the New Year's bangers/fireworks) is prohibited in local area all year round. The mayor is free to allow a partial exception, but only if there is no risk to people, their property, public safety or excessive noise nuisance.

The use of New Year's fireworks/flags is generally prohibited in and around hospitals, children's homes, nursing homes and nursing homes, churches, places of worship, as well as animal shelters and zoos, even outside the local area. Regulations are published in community newspapers or on the official notice board: “Many citizens still know nothing about these regulations – and equate ignorance with permission.”

More information at www.zivilschutz-ooe.at