1708078342 Unrecognizable Veronica Lario has lost a lot of weight

“Unrecognizable”: Veronica Lario has lost a lot of weight | If Berlusconi could see her today, he wouldn't recognize her

Veronica Lario, who became the ex-wife of the late Silvio Berlusconi. Nobody would recognize her today

Miriam Raffaella Bartolini, better known by her stage name Veronica Lario, is an actress from Bologna born in 1956. In addition to her professional career, Veronica makes herself known to the general public through her love story Silvio BerlusconiEntrepreneur and founder of Fininvest.

In 1979, the actress was chosen for the main role in the theatrical comedy “The Magnificent Cuckold”. Thanks to this work, the following year he met Silvio Berlusconi at the Manzoni Theater in Milan. The two fall in love and give birth to a child three children: Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi.

In 1990 they decided to get married and Veronica supported Silvio in every phase of his professional life. After many years of love and three children, the two spouses decide to do so separate from to finally separate in 2009 and continue their lives separately.

On June 12, 2023, Silvio Berlusconi died, leaving a void throughout Italy and in his family. Despite the separation, Veronica stood by her ex-husband's side even during his illness and defended him to insistent journalists.

Veronica Lario, her ex-husband's will

Veronica Lario was the second wife of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. During the years of marriage, the actress was close to her husband, but sometimes distanced herself from some of her ex-husband's institutional decisions. The couple separated in 2009 and divorced in 2014.

But even in the final phase of Silvio Berlusconi's illness, Lario stood by the father of her children. As is well known, the former Prime Minister a will created in 2006, in which Veronica Lario's name does not appear. The actress admitted: “There is no connection between Silvio Berlusconi's will of October 2006 and the letter with which I distanced myself from my ex-husband's behavior in May 2009.”

Veronica LarioVeronica Lario, how she has changed – Instagram Credit “francescom_scorpione_88” – Trendsediviaggio.it

Veronica Lario as she became: Nobody would recognize her

Veronica Lario has always been quite a woman reserved who always tried to protect his private life. She doesn't like revealing her life on social networks, especially after her relationship with Silvio Berlusconi ended in 2009. However, photos of the actress in a bikini and of her have surfaced perfect physical condition.

In a photo published some time ago by Novella 2000, Silvio Berlusconi's ex-wife appears with one swimsuit White decorated with a floral pattern that highlights its beauty and shapes. The most observant fans couldn't help but notice weight loss the actress. The photo is from 2010, but Veronica Lario is still a beautiful and fascinating woman.

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