Once again the Apple Watch is a lifesaver and saves a life. Today’s unusual story takes us this time to Scotland, where a pregnant 24-year-old woman was saved from pulmonary embolism thanks to her precious connected watch.
The networked watch from Cupertino has just surprised us again. After the Apple Watch saved its lucky owner from a fatal infection or a woman from a stroke, it saved Rebecca, a 24-year-old British girl. Originally from Clydebank, Scotland, the pregnant woman could have met a tragic fate had her relative not warned her of an anomaly…
It was the British media mirror that reported this unusual story to us on May 11th. Rebecca McManus, a 24-year-old Scottish woman who is 22 weeks pregnant must have thanked her precious Apple Watch. It’s also the main prospect who says it: it probably wouldn’t have survived without the multiple warnings of its watch.
An increase in heart rate detected by the Apple Watch
Gradually, the young pregnant woman’s concern increases. As she sits quietly on her couch, probably watching the latest Netflix productions, her heart rate skyrockets to 154 beats per minute, an unusual rate at rest.
After some warnings from his connected watch, the click sounds after climbing two flights of stairs. Out of breath and chest discomfort, Rebecca finally decides to go to the hospital, believing that this state of fatigue and shortness of breath is due to her pregnancy.
Not one, but two pulmonary embolisms were found
Arriving at the hospital, the observation is clear: with an abnormal heartbeat, shortness of breath close to an asthma attack and a general state of fatigue, the doctors quickly make the diagnosis. The 24-year-old has not just one, but two pulmonary embolisms, and blood clots have already formed in her lungs. When asked by Mirror reporters, Rebecca said:
“Without my Apple Watch, I wouldn’t have realized the danger I was in.” “It saved my life.”
Rebecca McManus has since had numerous breast exams and X-rays at Glagow University Hospital. The young pregnant woman was aware that she most likely narrowly escaped death, and there is no doubt that she had to thank herself for having her Apple Watch on her wrist.
Source : Mirror