Ursula von der Leyen is here to stay

Ursula von der Leyen is here to stay

Although the European Parliament’s operations are typically referred to in the media as “also managed”, once a year all eyes turn to Strasbourg. Specifically the State of the Union address, as the annual speech by the President of the European Commission is somewhat pompously called in reference to the US model. On Wednesday the stage may have belonged to Ursula von der Leyen for the last time. At least in the current term. Curiosity in Strasbourg was even greater to know whether the German Christian Democrat had any clue about her future. The fact that Ursula von der Leyen, born and raised in Brussels, seeks a second term as head of the EU Commission is considered an open secret, as several of von der Leyen’s close confidants have confirmed to STANDARD in recent weeks. But those who expected concrete confessions were disappointed.