1672760641 Uruguay is demanding the extradition of a Madrid based doctor accused

Uruguay is demanding the extradition of a Madrid-based doctor accused of taking part in torture during the dictatorship

Thousands of people demonstrated silently along Avenida del Dieciocho de Julio in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 2015 to demand the clarification of more than 150 people who disappeared during the military dictatorship.Thousands of people demonstrated silently along Avenida del Dieciocho de Julio in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 2015 to demand the clarification of more than 150 people who disappeared during the military dictatorship ANDRES STAPFF (Portal)

The story of AMMN navigates a sea of ​​torture. This woman tells how she was taken into custody in the 1970s, during the Uruguayan dictatorship, in a headquarters of the 6th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment, where she was subjected to real torture: they stripped her naked and hooded her, tying her ankles with Wire, they “brought” the cattle prod — an instrument that delivers electric shocks — and threatened to burn them with acid or shoot them. They later warned her that they would continue this ordeal if she did not sign a statement stating that she was not pregnant, even though she was pregnant at the time.

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His story, along with that of eight other victims, is already on the table of the national court. The Third Section of the Trial Chamber will consider authorizing the extradition of a Madrid-based doctor, Carlos Américo Suzacq Fiser – 72 years old and dual Uruguayan and Spanish nationals – who is accused of taking part in this torture, “to interrogators of the Organism Coordinator of Anti-Subversive Operations (OCOA) to obtain testimony from the detainees by physical coercion”. Uruguay has requested his extradition through its embassy in Madrid, which supports the Spanish prosecutor’s office for assault and unlawful detention.

The authorities arrested the doctor on June 23 in Las Rozas (Madrid). He was under an Interpol notice and an international arrest warrant from a Montevideo court for crimes against humanity, abuse of office, serious injury and imprisonment. As Uruguay notes in its extradition request, Suzacq was working as a doctor for the 6th Mechanized Cavalry Regiment at the time the events described were committed and, according to the victims, he even gave advice to the torturers on how to behave in order to make them speak. “As a result of the forced confessions, both convicts and third parties were convicted,” the prosecutor continued.

“JMPE [iniciales de otra persona torturada] he points out that when he was arrested they beat him, handcuffed him, put a hood on him and shocked him with electric batons; be bound at the legs and hands; Applying electric shocks while wet. [Unas] Tortures where the [médico] The accused was present and advised the authors of the material,” the Spanish prosecutor said in the document supporting the surrender, which included further testimonies from those tortured: “ENR reports that Dr. Suzacq expressly authorized to continue torturing and is suffering psychological consequences as a result of the torture”.

The National Court has set the celebration of the extradition hearing for January 11th. Suzacq’s defense has spoken out against the handover, according to the state ministry. EL PAÍS tried unsuccessfully to reach the doctor this Tuesday.

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Two years ago, Spain handed over 70-year-old ex-Colonel Eduardo Augusto Ferro Bizzozero to Uruguay, who was also charged with crimes against humanity between the 1970s and 1980s and accused of being responsible for the South American country’s so-called Operation Condor – the Offensive launched by seven Latin American dictatorships to end political dissent. This process lasted almost five years, since the soldier fled after his first arrest in 2017 and remained missing until 2021, when the police finally discovered him in Peñíscola (Castellón), which made his extradition possible.

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