Uruguayan government introduces care program for released prisoners

Uruguayan government introduces care program for released prisoners

In the presence of President Luis Lacalle Pou, the Ministers of Social Development (Mides), Martín Lema, and Interior Minister Nicolás Martinelli presented the Assisted Inclusion Project (PIA).

The aim is to reduce recidivism and prevent new cases of homelessness.

Lema explained that a recent Mides survey found that 56 percent of people living on the streets have been deprived of their freedom at some point.

According to the head of Mides, the project will have a first phase with 500 released people, of which the first 56 have already been selected, all from the Santiago Vázquez prison, better known here as the former Comar.

He said 52 of those chosen did not even have ID cards at the time of their release.

Martín Lema pointed out that an average of 26 people are released from prison every day in the country.

Support for the released person includes a card with funds for essential expenses and additional money for tickets and places in Mides-approved accommodation.

In addition, the beneficiaries receive advice on resuming their studies, finding and taking up a job, and looking after possible addictions.

“What happens in prisons has to do with security. Therefore, reducing and preventing crime helps society as a whole,” explained Interior Minister Nicolás Martinelli.
