US attention to war in Ukraine opens space for Chinese

US attention to war in Ukraine opens space for Chinese influence in Latin America

THE China became the main trading partner of Latin America in recent years with large investments in various sectors of the economy, which helps to increase its influence in the region.

The economy of the Asian country is increasingly oriented outwards and competes with other major powers in many areas. In addition, it manages to project itself around the world through its technology companies, ranging from cuttingedge social networks and smartphones to the 5G network, the fifth generation of highspeed mobile internet that is being implemented in several countries. .

Historically closely linked to politics United StatesLatin American countries are now increasingly strengthening their ties with the Chinese government, while the White House is turning its eyes to Russia and Ukraine amid war tensions and to Europe in relation to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). .

Alana Camoça, a professor of international relations at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), believes that Latin America is a space for disputes between China and the United States.

“Since the George Bush administration (20012008), US foreign policy has turned toward the Middle East, creating a political vacuum in Latin America and accelerating China’s rise in the region. American attention to Latinos only returned after the Obama administration (20092017),” says Alana.

ESPM International Relations Professor Ricardo Leães adds: “The US is putting Latin America aside and only looking at us again when they realize there is a real risk of losing influence. That was in the 2000s with the Iraq war and it’s happening again now as your concerns center on the war in Ukraine.”

Summit of the Americas

The Summit of the Americas, held in the US city of Los Angeles last week, was a sign that the relationship between the US and many countries on the continent is no longer the same.

President Joe Biden decided on the eve of the opening that he would not invite representatives from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua to the meeting, a situation that caused discontent from other invited leaders.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that he would not attend the summit because he disagreed with the White House’s stance. For the same reason, Bolivia and Honduras also announced that they would boycott the event.

In a speech, Argentine President Alberto Fernández said the hosting of the event did not allow the country to exclude participants, and the Belizean PM called the Biden administration’s stance “inexcusable”.

“Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua not only view China as a key political partner, but also have historic disagreements with the United States, which helps foster Chinese influence,” explains Professor Alana.

For the expert, the United States is trying to strengthen ties with Latin America through international summits and meetings between heads of state and government. Colombia and Brazil should also give Washington more attention due to this year’s presidential elections, which could affect the economic and political partnership between the governments.

trade relations

Commerce Department data shows that China is surpassing the United States in export and import values ​​both in the first months of 2022 and compared to the same period in 2021. Brazilian exports to the Asian country were more than twice as sold to the American market in May.

Exports from Brazil to China, Hong Kong and Macau totaled $8.53 billion in May. Imports reached $4.67 billion. In the period from January to May this year, sales rose 1.4% yearonyear to $38.13 billion and imports rose 29.8% to $23.62 billion.

On the other hand, in May, Brazilian exports to the United States totaled $3.09 billion, while imports reached $4.88 billion. From January to May this year, compared to the same period in 2021, exports to the United States reached $13.60 billion and imports amounted to $20.67 billion.

The largest economy in the world

A Bloomberg estimate released in February this year indicates that China will overtake the US to become the world’s largest economy in about a decade, but also notes that the outcome is far from guaranteed.

“Even if China becomes the largest economy in the world, the US still has other very significant spheres of influence in terms of influence, such as the political view.
and culturally, in addition to military power, a position that the Chinese are still a long way from,” emphasizes Camoça.

For Leães, “The influence of one country on another is not only due to commercial concerns. Even as China expands economically, the challenge remains to expand that influence in other important areas so that a country can truly cement itself as a great power.”