US average: "Matthew Perry died as a result of ketamine"

The American broadcaster Fox News cites the autopsy report from the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Department. The document said coronary artery disease and buprenorphine, used to treat opioid use disorder, contributed to the death (The actor confessed to being addicted to it). “Drugs and loose pills were found at the actor’s residence,” responding officers said.

The Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner's Office said in the released autopsy report that Perry drowned in his hot tub, but that it was only a minor cause of his death and ruled out an accident. Coronary heart disease and the drug buprenorphine also contributed, according to the report. Perry was pronounced dead at the age of 54 after being found unconscious in his home in the Pacific Palisades area of ​​Los Angeles on October 28. The next day, investigators conducted an autopsy. Matthew Perry's death had shocked his friends and the entire group of friends who had gathered for the funeral.

What is ketamine and what effects does it have? Ketamine is a psychoactive substance that belongs to the class of dissociatives. It is a general anesthetic used in veterinary and human medicine to induce a state of unconsciousness and relieve pain. Ketamine also has hallucinogenic effects, altering the perception of time, space and self. The effects of ketamine depend on the dose, route of administration and individual sensitivity. At low doses, ketamine can produce euphoria, disinhibition, relaxation, and a feeling of lightness or detachment. At higher doses, ketamine can cause profound detachment from reality, with visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations, the feeling of leaving one's body or entering other dimensions. Ketamine can be physically and psychologically addictive, with tolerance, withdrawal and craving. Prolonged use of ketamine can damage the central nervous system, liver, and bladder.