US Department investigates neofascist faction within the PDT O PEOPLE

The Brazilian group Nova Resistência was targeted by the US government (Photo: Reproduction/X)

The US State Department published a document investigating the Brazilian movement Nova Resistência, a neofascist group with Russian ties whose members are infiltrated into the Democratic Workers’ Party (PDT).

In the document, the US Department accuses members of the New Resistance of having “deep connections to entities and individuals in the Russian disinformation and propaganda ecosystem.”

On the subject

According to the US government, the group “regularly publishes proKremlin disinformation and has attempted to recruit Brazilians to fight against Ukraine in the current war between the countries.”

Finally, the State Department states that the group’s actions are “a cause for concern” and warrant further investigation, putting them in the U.S.’s sights once and for all.

The North American sector still claims that New Resistance leader Raphael Machado promotes antiSemitic, antiZionist and antiUkrainian narratives in favor of Bashar alAssad, the former president of Syria.

On the subject

What is the new resistance?

The group describes itself as a political organization with a nationalrevolutionary, dissident, communitarian, patriotic and popular orientation, inspired by the project of a Fourth Political Theory and Brazilian and IberoAmerican nationalist thought.

The ideology comes from Russian writer Aleksandr Dugin, who aims to unite the world’s extreme right and extreme left to destroy liberalism and the United States, which is considered “a country of absolute evil.”

On the website of the Nova Resistência organization, advertisements glorify Getúlio Vargas, Enéas Carneiro and Bashar alAssad.