US interests diverge from European ones

“US interests diverge from European ones”


Antonio Socci March 28, 2022

The famous “elephant in the room”, that is the sensational truth that one pretends not to see, is represented today about the war in Ukraine by the contrast between most Italians and the palace of politics and media. Parliament almost unanimously decided to send arms to Ukraine with the support of the media system. Angelo Panebianco, in an editorial in Corriere della Sera, noted that there is “opposition from a few, few but perhaps not entirely isolated public opinions” about this arms shipment. In reality, the astute analyst does not see the elephant because, with all due respect to him and the Corriere, the vast majority of public opinion has pronounced a resounding and surprising ‘no’. It is amazing that she has been snubbed by both politicians and the media. The first poll, published in Domani in early March, found that 76 percent of Italians “should not support the war militarily.” In midmonth, EMG for Agora asked, “Are you okay with Italy sending arms to Ukraine?” 33 percent said yes, 12 percent didn’t answer, and 55 percent said no.

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THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE The results are impressive because they go against the broad unanimity of Parliament on sending arms. All the more extraordinary when you consider the very emotional media “bombardment” of the last few weeks. What does this orientation of the Italians mean? Surely everyone condemns Putin and expresses their solidarity with the suffering of the Ukrainians (who must receive every possible humanitarian aid). But our people instinctively understand that war is wreaking havoc here too (after two years of pandemic) and that we should take action to put out the fire (politics and diplomacy exist for that) rather than feeding it with buckets of gasoline. This is confirmed by another poll, this time by Ipsos for DiMartedì, in which he asked: “In relations with Russia, what would be the right position for Italy?”. Here is the result: 10 percent don’t know what to answer, 21 percent answer “Italy must oppose Russia” and a full 69 percent answer “Italy must negotiate with Russia”. Apparently, the Italians do not allow themselves to be overwhelmed by emotions and have clear ideas about the welfare of Ukraine, the tasks of politics and their own national interests. They are smarter and farsighted than intellectuals and politicians. All of this leads them to believe that sending guns is not the right answer. As Professor Alessandro Orsini explained, sending arms «Biden aims to “Syrize” the war in Ukraine, to prolong it indefinitely. The goal is to pin Russia down to bleed her dry’, but this ‘involves bleeding Europe as well… Is that what Europe wants?’ The real question is actually: What purpose do we pursue? The Italians understood that the interests and intentions of the Americans (it is they who are pushing for arms supplies) in this matter are completely different from ours.

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INTERESTS The West, of course, is not divided over the unanimous condemnation of the notorious Russian invasion, but over “What to do?”. The answers vary depending on the purpose that is lost and the interest to be protected. The Biden administration aims to overthrow Putin (albeit at a high price for Ukraine and Europeans). While the interest of Europe and Italy (as well as the Ukrainians), who pay most for the conflict, is peace: to reach a ceasefire as soon as possible and negotiate to end the war. These two goals are not only different, they are opposites. Today, one excludes the other. Therefore we cannot speak of the West as if it were one thing. Biden has come to Europe these days to close ranks and try to bind European governments to his wishes as has been the case so far. But European law firms are beginning to realize that continuing to flatter the current American administration’s goals rather than defending Europe’s interests is already devastating and promises to become almost apocalyptic for the foreseeable future. ENTHUSIASTED SINGER Indeed, yesterday one of the EU’s most enthusiastic singers, Federico Fubini, oddly enough, signed an editorial in Corriere della Sera in which he incredibly lashes out at Europe and Germany, unwilling to unleash allout economic war on Russia: ” Europe is hesitating, it needs time,” Fubini complained. “Germany is holding back on everything.” Fubini wants “as soon as possible tough sanctions aimed at overthrowing the Kremlin regime, even if he whispers we would bear the enormous costs of this “war: “There will be some costs even for the common people and Europeans Leaders need to be able to explain why it needs to be addressed ». As you can see, it seems that everything has to be decided on the heads of the people, to whom at most they will explain why they have to endure tears and blood. But the people are not allowed to decide on these fundamental things. The sovereignty to be defended (at least in appearance, in words) is that of the Ukrainians, certainly not that of the Italians and other European peoples. After all, Biden has already pushed his work forward, stating that “the price of sanctions” will also be “the food shortages in many countries, including European countries.” Macron predicts “an inevitable famine in 12 to 18 months”. Carlo De Benedetti says that the continuation of the war will lead to energy shock, recession, stock market collapse and starvation. Italians should be asked if they are willing to pay that price so Biden can overthrow Putin and perhaps plunge Russia into Libyan chaos. In addition, with the prospect of a new world war, perhaps a nuclear one, as Biden suspected on Friday.