US Offers 5M Reward for Information on Russian Elite Assets

US Offers $5M Reward for Information on Russian Elite Assets

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  • The US is offering a reward for information on the assets of the Russian elite, such as yachts and mansions.
  • The Kleptocracy Asset Rewards Program will provide whistleblowers up to $5 million for information leading to the forfeiture, forfeiture, or repatriation of stolen assets.
  • Several countries have recently confiscated yachts, planes and villas from sanctioned Russian oligarchs in connection with their invasion of Ukraine.

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The US government wants you to help it get hold of stolen assets belonging to Russian oligarchs, and they are ready to pay a lot of money for this.

The Treasury Department is offering a reward of up to $5 million for information on yachts, mansions, private jets and other property of the Russian elite, in a program known as the Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Bounty Program.

Under the program, rewards are provided for information leading to the seizure, forfeiture, forfeiture, or repatriation of stolen assets in a US financial institution account that enter the US or come into the possession or control of a US citizen.

The Treasury is looking for assets “related to corruption involving the government of the Russian Federation,” the department’s website says.

Congress last year approved the creation of a program that also offers rewards for information about assets linked to corruption in other foreign governments.

In addition to Russia, the Treasury specifically listed requests for information on assets related to bribes paid by Brazilian petrochemical companies Odebrecht and Braskem, as well as corruption related to Malaysia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, known as 1MDB.

Several countries have confiscated yachts, villas and planes from sanctioned Russian oligarchs in response to the country’s invasion of Ukraine. In recent weeks, countries such as Italy, France and Spain have seized the assets of Russian billionaires, and President Biden earlier this month said in his State of the Union statement that the US would follow suit.

“We are teaming up with our European allies to find and seize your yachts, your luxury apartments, your private jets,” Biden said in his address. “We’re coming for your unholy acquisitions.”