1704935546 US President39s son Hunter Biden makes a surprise appearance

US President's son, Hunter Biden, makes a surprise appearance…

Hunter Biden bursts into a House Control Committee meeting and sits in the front row. The panel wants to charge Hunter Biden with contempt of Congress

US President Hunter Biden's surprise appearance in the House of Representatives caused great outrage among Republicans. The 53-year-old appeared unannounced Wednesday during opening statements at a public control committee meeting — and sat in the front row with his lawyer.

The panel wants to charge Hunter Biden with contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena for a closed-door hearing into the impeachment inquiry into his father, US President Joe Biden. His unexpected appearance caused chaotic scenes. Several Republicans felt provoked by Hunter Biden's appearance and two deputies called him a coward. The committee chairman sometimes had difficulty restoring order to the meeting.

Biden insisted on a public hearing

Hunter Biden, who faces charges including possible tax crimes, refused to testify before the commission behind closed doors but offered to testify at a public hearing late last year. The president's son and his lawyers argued that what was said in a protected space could be selectively reproduced by Republicans and that Hunter Biden's statements could thus be manipulated. He therefore insisted on only testifying publicly.

Many Republicans associate Hunter Biden's business dealings with the US president. Republicans in the House are moving forward with investigations into possible impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden. They accuse the Democrat of abusing his public office for the financial benefit of his family. However, they have not yet provided clear evidence of serious misconduct. It is questionable whether the investigation could actually result in impeachment proceedings.

Biden sat in the front row with his lawyer.

Biden sat in the front row with his lawyer. Imago/Jack Gruber

Both the Control Committee and the Judiciary Committee want to vote on whether Hunter Biden should be held in contempt of Congress. The plenary of the House of Representatives would then have to decide whether to recommend criminal prosecution. The decision on possible charges based on the allegations would ultimately rest with the Ministry of Justice. (APA/dpa)

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