US Secretary of Commerce begins visit to China

US Secretary of Commerce begins visit to China ( )

US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo is due to meet with Chinese authorities Monday (28/08/2023) as part of a visit to Beijing to calm trade tensions between the world’s two largest economies.

His visit, which lasts until Wednesday, is the latest in a string of high-level trips to China by US officials in recent months.

Such visits could culminate in a meeting between the rulers of both countries. US President Joe Biden recently said he hopes to meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping later this year.

Raimondo arrived in Beijing on Sunday and was met by Li Feng, director of the Americas and Oceania Department of Commerce.

“Possible areas of cooperation”

Raimondo “looks forward to constructive discussions on US-China trade relations, the challenges facing US companies and areas of potential cooperation,” the US Commerce Department said last week.

The minister is also planning a visit to the Chinese economic capital, Shanghai.

Relations between Washington and Beijing have fallen to their lowest levels in decades, largely due to US trade restrictions.

Washington says the restrictions are vital to protecting its national security, while Beijing has described them as a way to stem China’s economic boom.

mg (affp, Portal)

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