US strikes Yemen39s Houthis again to destroy missiles fired at

US strikes Yemen's Houthis again to destroy missiles fired at ships in Red Sea G1

US calls off Houthi attack in Red Sea

The US Army carried out a new antiship ballistic missile attack in Yemen on Tuesday (16) in an area of ​​the country controlled by the Houthis, two US officials told Portal of the latest military action against Iranianbacked forces Group. Target group: Shipping in the Red Sea.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, US officials said Tuesday's attack targeted four antiship missiles. The attack had not been previously reported.

Last week, President Joe Biden ordered US forces to attack targets in Yemen linked to the Houthis. The idea was to weaken the group's strength. Afterwards, the Houthis again attacked ships in the Red Sea.

The Houthis control most of Yemen's Red Sea coast. They claim the attacks on merchant ships were intended to support Palestinians in Israel's war against the terrorist group Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The Houthi movement has vowed to expand its targets in the Red Sea region to include U.S. ships and has vowed to continue attacks even after the response from the U.S. and Britain, which carried out dozens of attacks last week.

On Monday, Houthi forces attacked the U.S. bulk carrier Gibraltar Eagle with an antiship ballistic missile, the U.S. Army said.