US wants to ban new investment in Russia

US wants to ban new investment in Russia

The US wants to announce a new package of sanctions against Russia on Wednesday, including a ban on “any new investment” in the country.

Tighter sanctions against financial institutions and state-owned companies in Russia, as well as new punitive measures against Russian government officials and their families, are also planned, as informed circles announced on Tuesday. Sanctions will therefore be imposed in coordination with the EU and the other G7 countries.

Isolate Russia with sanctions

The new sanctions package will impose “significant costs” on Russia and further isolate the country “economically, financially and technologically”, he said. The new sanctions come in response to alleged Russian atrocities against civilians in the Kiev suburb of Bucha.

After the massacre: new sanctions on Russia are coming

“We have already come to the conclusion that Russia committed war crimes in Ukraine, and Bucha’s information appears to show new evidence of war crimes,” informed sources said on Tuesday. New sanctions are a way of holding those responsible accountable.

US President Joe Biden previously described the alleged Russian atrocities in Bucha as “war crimes” on Monday and announced new sanctions against Moscow. His national security adviser Jake Sullivan said sanctions would be announced later this week. The West has already imposed a series of tough sanctions on Russia since Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine began on February 24.