US will deploy B6112 nuclear bombs in Europe in December

US will deploy B6112 nuclear bombs in Europe in December Brasil

The United States has decided to accelerate the deployment of B6112 nuclear bombs on NATO bases in Europe from December next year.

These improved bombs should not arrive in the old continent until the second quarter of 2023.

US officials announced their intention to NATO allies at a closed meeting in Brussels this month, Politico reported, citing sources. The decision comes amid rising tensions over Russia’s threats to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Such a move will require the replacement of obsolete B61 nuclear bombs with a newer B6112 version at various storage sites in Europe for possible use by US and allied bombers and fighters.

6ROZMCEQD5DGRCRXM6ULLZPJXUThis week Russia conducted a nuclear exercise that its military leaders described as a simulation of defending against a nuclear attack. Two separate sources confirmed to Politico the acceleration originally reported in a cable to the Pentagon and the State Department.

The document said that during the meetings, 15 NATO allies expressed concern that the alliance was “not yielding to Putin’s nuclear blackmail. Given the growing scale and scope of Russia’s nuclear rhetoric, a subset of allies called for continued consultation with NATO. To ensure a quick reply.

The B61 nuclear bombs have been in service in the United States since 1968. Currently, modifications B613, B614, B617 and B6111 are used.

The B613 and B614 belong to the tactical munitions and are used with Tornado, F35, F15E and F16C fighter aircraft. The B617 and B6111 bombs are considered strategic and are used with B2 and B52 bombers.

The B6112 pumps are intended to replace the B613, B614 and B617 that are in service.

usapianobombenuclearinatob6112The B6112 bomb received a 50kiloton warhead and became highly accurate: a controlled tail rudder is installed on it, which significantly increases accuracy and dispenses with the use of a braking parachute.

The bomb’s capabilities make pilots’ work easier: now, for the effective use of the modernized bomb, it is no longer necessary to fly precisely over the target.