USA another 100 million and rockets to Ukraine We risk

USA, another 100 million and rockets to Ukraine. “We risk a neverending war”

As the rebuke of responsibility for the Bucha massacres continues, and as Russians deny responsibility even in the face of clear evidence, the United States has approved a new package 100 million dollars91.7 million euros, for specialized military assistance in defending Ukraine in the face of the Russian military offensive.

Blink’s words

“I have approved the $100 million to address urgent needs for additional antitank systems for the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the US Secretary of State said. Anton Blinken on his Twitter profile. The new package includes in particular “Javelin” antitank missiles, “Stingers” antiaircraft missiles and unmanned aircraft, as Pentagon spokesman John Kirby announced on Monday.

“The world is shocked and appalled by the atrocities committed by Russian forces in Bucha and across Ukraine. Ukrainian forces continue to valiantly defend their country and freedom, and the United States, along with our allies and partners, stands firm in its support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Blinken said, as reported in a statement.

Prolonged risk of war

The multiplicity of strategic, economic and military interests between America, which aims to wear down Putin in the long term, and Europe on the contrary, risks a serious economic downturn if the conflict continues on its own territory. And the continuous supply of weapons to Ukraine, according to the US military leaders themselves, risks operations in Ukraine lasting for years.

The one between Ukraine and Russia “I think it’s a very longterm conflict, measurable at least in years, I don’t know if a decade, but at least years for sure”. This is what the Gen. Mark Milley, Chief of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a hearing today before the House Armed Services Commission on the War in Ukraine. “This is a very large conflict that Russia started he added I believe that NATO, the United States, Ukraine and other allies and partners will be involved in it for some time to come.”

“We are witnessing the greatest threat to peace and security in Europe, and perhaps in the world, that I have never seen in my 42 years in uniform,” said the general, stressing that “the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not just the threatens to undermine European stability and peace, but the global peace and stability that my parents and a generation of Americans fought to defend.