USA Biden has made it very clear that Israel must

USA: Biden has “made it very clear that Israel must protect civilians in Gaza Portal iG

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Oct 30, 2023 3:46 p.m Joe Biden when he was in Israel Photo: Reproduction/Government Press Office (GPO) October 18, 2023

Joe Biden when he was in Israel


The President of the United States, Joe Biden, called this Monday (30) on Israel to “protect” the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.

“The United States is doing everything it can to ensure that civilians in Gaza are protected. “President Biden has made it clear to Israel that we expect them to abide by international law,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said at a news conference.

The United States is one of Israel’s most important allies. When the United Nations (UN) General Assembly passed a symbolic resolution calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas on Friday (27), the US was one of 14 countries that voted against it 120 voted for the resolution and 45 abstained Agree .

As of Monday, more than 8,300 people have died in the Gaza Strip during the ongoing war as Israeli bombings continue to plague the Palestinian region.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today the country would not agree to a “cessation of the fight against Hamas.” “Even the most just wars result in unintended civilian casualties,” he said.

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