USA Congress in chaos Emmer also gives up the race

USA, Congress in chaos: Emmer also gives up the race for speaker

In the United States, the Republican Party is in complete chaos, paralyzing the activities of Congress, which is expected to hold important votes on international policy. An insurmountable obstacle is once again the appointment of the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies (the third position in the country), which should be the prerogative of the Grand Old Party. But last night, even the new candidate in Pectore, Congressman Tom Emmer of Minnesota, was brutally fired within hours.

This is the third candidate to fall victim to internal divisions within the Republicans: the name Tom Emmer was formulated by the party itself, but it soon became clear that he would not have enough votes. Above all, it was a very heavy “torpedo” that was dropped by former President and Republican ruler Donald Trump and weighed heavily. “He’s not a MAGA man,” Trump said, referring to the acronym “Make America great again,” the slogan that embodies his political line. “His election would be a tragic mistake,” the former president continued, accusing Emmer of never respecting his instructions.

Emmer was supported, among others, by former Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy. The more Trump-friendly wing of the Republican Party dropped the vote because of its endorsement of the presidential election that led to Biden’s election to the White House. Before Emmer, fellow GOP representatives Jim Jordan and Steve Scalise failed in the election.

The gridlock and chaos in Congress have been going on for three weeks, all legislative activity in the United States has been paralyzed and at the moment there is no way out. Among the dossiers that remain stuck in the chamber is the new aid package for Ukraine.