Continue reading. Any person who was born in the USA or who has become a naturalized American citizen has the Green card. This document is very important because thanks to it you can travel to more than 170 countries without having to apply VISA. In the following communication from Depor we give you all the information so you can get it, how much it costs, what are the modalities and which countries you can travel to without a visa.
How much does it cost to process the Green Card?
The proposal to increase immigration fees for green card applications has been under consideration since January 3 and will require 60 days for a solution.
The Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) announced that it will increase fees for obtaining US citizenship and other immigration procedures. The cost of filling out a green card and other forms can be as high as $2,225, a fee some low-income immigrants may not be able to afford.
There is a $1,500 surcharge for applying for a green card, a fee that some interested in legal residency may find difficult to afford due to the difficulty of saving.
How is the Green Card processed in the US?
There are up to 8 ways to apply for the Green Card. This is done by people who come to the United States to live and work in the North American country, building a brighter future for themselves and their families. How to apply for your residence card:
- Through the family
- through a job
- special immigrant
- Through refugee or asylum status
- Victims of human trafficking and other crimes
- victims of abuse
- Through other categories
- Through registration
There is also the option of taking part in a green card lottery in order to receive a green card.
List of countries where you can travel without VISA and only with a green card
On this list, which includes more than 170 countries, you can travel with only your green card and without a visa. All you need for this trip is your resident card and active passport. With these two documents, you can mobilize in this wide list of countries that have alliances with the United States and do not require a specific visa to practice tourism or travel for various reasons.
look here the list of countries that allow the entry of US citizens and do not require a special visa to enter their territory.