USA If drought … drives cold cases

USA: If drought … drives cold cases

Published on 07.05.2022 10:32

Other: when drought … causes colds

franceinfo Article written byAmerican Fox News journalist and Ukrainian journalist killed in their

In the US, the drought could lead to colds, especially in Nevada.

Lake Mead, Nevada (USA), near Las Vegas; once it was a huge water reservoir. But it is a victim of drought and global warming. An ecological disaster, but the lake also gives away well-kept secrets. Like crimes attributed to the local mafia. “In the case of Las Vegas, it’s a tradition that if the mafia wants to kill someone, they bury them in the desert. What we didn’t suspect was that they dumped bodies in Lake Mead,” Geoff Schumacher said. Director of the Mafia Museum in Las Vegas.

A human skeleton has just been discovered. A man who disappeared over 40 years ago. He organized boat trips on Lake Mead for very wealthy clients. “He was shot in the head. According to initial analyses, the case dates back to the late 1970s or early 1980s at the latest. The body was in a barrel,” Geoff Schumacher said. The deed is attributed by the investigators to the local underworld.

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