USA in Scranton the plant that builds weapons for Kiev

USA, in Scranton, the plant that builds weapons for Kiev. Defense: “Ammunition Manufacturing…

bullets from artillery sweltering heat, increasing production and a 24/7 facility to send more and more weapons to the Ukrainian front. Cnn served at the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, in Pennsylvania, which “launches approximately 11,000 artillery shells per month”. A lot that the Ukrainian army will run out of in a matter of days. The plant – which is one of the largest manufacturers of artillery in the United States United States – it can be found at Scrantonthe city where the American President was born Joe Bidenand in recent months work has increased exponentially to meet demand armor out of Kyiv“Fueled by millions of dollars in new defense spending by the Pentagon“. The factory “invests in new machines To high technologyis hiring a few dozen more employees, and will eventually transition to a constant 24/7 production schedule.” The accelerating pace of production is being motivated by the urgency of military supplies to Ukraine, a point raised several times in recent weeks by the NATO secretary was approached Jens Stoltenbergthe ally asked to increase it war production and sounded the alarm for lack of ammunition.

“The United States and your allies – writes Cnn – they have almost sent 50 billion dollars in aid and equipment for the Ukrainian army over the past year. So go ahead and restore their own SharesThe Pentagon is upgrading rapidly, with the largest increase in recent decades in the ammunition production and employing branches of the US defense industry at full capacity, even though America is not technically at war.” So far, the Pentagon “It has committed about $3 billion to buy ammunition from allies abroad and increase domestic production.” A sum that will be used, at least in part, “to manufacture what has become a staple of the war: 155mm artillery shells”. The Army’s plans include “a 500 percent increase in artillery shell production,” which is expected to increase “from 15,000 to 70,000 per month.” A quantity that is mostly supplied from the factory Scranton.

But there is not only this factory to massively advance the American war industry, especially that of ammunition. “An establishment of Lockheed Martin To Camden – can be read on the website of the American broadcaster -, in Arkansasproduces a number of rockets And rockets, including those used by the missile system patriot the army, all of which are in great demand Ukraine“. And according to the Army Purchasing and Logistics Manager Doug BuschThe defense develops “a new work a garlandIn Texasto craft artillery shells while expanding an existing facility middle town, Iowa loading, packaging and assembling 155 mm grenades. Second bushit will take “12 to 18 months for the United States reach their “maximum” production rate of 70,000 artillery shells per month”. The timed coordination? Within a year, albeit hopefully that the war is already overThe production will be able to have much higher rhythms than now.