USA: Pregnant woman must leave Texas for abortion


Kate Cox31 years old Texas in the twentieth week of pregnancy and in danger of losing her life, which the Supreme Court had denied her rights cancelhe left it Condition. As a mother of two children, the woman has been fighting a legal dispute for weeks about being allowed to terminate her pregnancy due to a serious illness malformation of the fetus.

The legal dispute On Thursday, a judge granted her permission to undergo an emergency abortion despite a ban in Texas following last year's Supreme Court ruling. However, within hours, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton had asked the state Supreme Court to block the judge's order. The court accepted the application on Friday evening, but has not yet made a final ruling.

The diagnosis Nancy Northup, president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights, a pro-choice organization that represents Cox, said the woman could not wait any longer because she had already been hospitalized four times since the start of her pregnancy. Cox, a resident of the Dallas area, was diagnosed with Edwards syndrome, a chromosomal abnormality that causes miscarriages and death of the fetus or baby within days of birth.