USA She returns from vacation to find her familys home

USA: She returns from vacation to find her family’s home has been destroyed… accidentally

Susan Hodgson, an American from Atlanta, discovered that her family’s home was accidentally destroyed during her trip.

That it wasn’t Susan Hodgson’s (bad) surprise when she returned from vacation in Atlanta last month to find that the family home she owned had been destroyed… accidentally.

“I’m angry,” she told The Associated Press on Saturday. “I’m just wondering if it’s a joke or not. I’m still in shock.”

The American woman was out of town when a neighbor called her and told her that workers had demolished the house and it had completely collapsed. A member of his family then went there and demanded to see the demolition permit. Then he realized that the address written on it was not the correct one.

A complaint has been filed

When the house had not been lived in for fifteen years and had been demolished, the grass around it was mowed and the garden kept tidy. “The taxes were paid and everything was fine,” says Susan Hodgson.

“How can people destroy someone’s house and then leave as if nothing happened? How can they think it’s okay? I want the person in charge of the company to come and fix its mistakes,” he said. she complained to the Associated Press.

The company has not yet contacted her. The unfortunate owner filed a police report and contacted several lawyers to help her with the process.

Clément Boutin journalist BFMTV

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