USCIS Ways to Expedite Your Immigration Case in the United

USCIS: Ways to Expedite Your Immigration Case in the United States Cuban Directory

A quick response to immigration cases is a real need. Often, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) does not provide the information with the agility that applicants expect. Also, a particular case may suddenly change during the process for various reasons.

Currently, users are asking USCIS for expedited or priority processing. But how to access this fast service? What requirements do I have to meet for this? Here we tell you.

First of all, you should know that you cannot request this expedited processing at the time of application. You have to wait until you receive the confirmation of receipt from the immigration authorities. USCIS officials review each case individually because it has different characteristics.

You do not have to pay to request expedited processing. In order for your application to be approved, USCIS requires that you meet certain criteria. These include: an extreme humanitarian need or potential harm to an American person or business.

You are not eligible for an expedited immigration case request if you have already requested priority processing. This service is available for employment-related applications, specifically Forms I-129, I-140, I-765, and I-539.

How can you ask USCIS to expedite your application?

Please note the following requirements if you would like USCIS to expedite your case. Don’t forget the always important supporting documents to prove that your case meets the following criteria.

1-Fix an error made by USCIS. Sometimes the agency makes mistakes that cause you to waste time on your status. For example, using false data that shortens the validity of your status.

2-Request for expedited processing for humanitarian reasons. Although USCIS does not have an official definition of what is considered an urgent case, you must demonstrate that you are in a critical humanitarian situation. For example, the outbreak of war in your home country or a serious illness.

3-If you can show that you will suffer serious personal or business financial loss if USCIS does not give you a decision on your case as soon as possible.

4-US Government interests if your request affects national, state, employment, or public security interests.

Steps to complete an expedited process

Follow these steps in order to successfully submit your expedited processing request.

-Step 1: Get the confirmation of receipt. You cannot submit your USCIS expedited processing request without your receipt, which is a 13-digit number sent to you in the mail.

-Step 2: With the acknowledgment of receipt prepared, call USCIS at 1-800-375-5283 (1-800-767-1833 for TTY).

-Step 3: Explain that you want to make a request for expedited processing and state the main reason.

-Step 4: Submit your request and receive an expedited service request number.

-Step 5: You may follow up the request using the expedited service request number provided by the USCIS agent.

-Step 6: Shortly after applying, you will receive an email from USCIS asking you to submit supporting documentation for your expedited application.

-Step 7: Respond by sending a single USCIS email with all supporting documentation in a PDF no larger than 15 pages.

-Step 8: After one week, you will receive the final decision from USCIS.