Use meet family and shoot wounded two victims Father and.jpgw700

Use, meet family and shoot wounded: two victims. Father and one year old daughter die

More violence in the United States where a man has run over a family by car to then leave the vehicle e open fire on the victims of the attack that killed a one-year-old girl and her father. It happened in the state Montana. The attacker wounded the mother of the murdered child, and then hit with a knife about another woman. The latter managed to resist the aggression, possessing the blade and killing him. The attacker, 37-year-old Derick Madden, As Nbc News reports, he had a past relationship with Christina Siau, the woman who responded by injuring him to death.

The mother and wife of the two victims of the attack, Christy Siau, was seriously injured while two other children who were in the group fled and were unharmed, the sheriff’s office said. According to Montana authorities, Madden “suffered from mental health issues” and the attack was “isolated from it, with a clear connection between the victims and Madden.”