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Users accuse Albertano of appearing with too many drinks El Universal

Ariel MiramontesKnown for his role as an Albertano in “María de todos los Ángeles”, could join the list of celebrities who take the stage in an uncomfortable state, as a video shared on social networks has sparked speculation as to whether the famous person is a may have been a “victim” of what Antonio Aguilar described as “gentle torment,” alluding to the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

The video was uploaded to the TikTok platform, where the actor can be seen at the end of the piece “Lagunilla mi barrio”.

Entitled “Albertano gives a play, alcoholic?” he is seen sending kisses to the audience as he staggers back.

Additionally, viewers noticed that his gaze was lost, which was described as unusual behavior.

At another point in the clip, someone takes his hand and he takes a few steps without looking at the person holding him until he receives a hug.

Albertano returns to the big screen with his own love story. Photo: Instagram

While some speculated that he may have had a drink before the show, others defended him, arguing that he may have been feeling unwell or worried.

Viewer comments included: “He doesn’t seem drunk, he seems more worried or sad”, “He seems to be feeling bad rather than drunk”, “It’s probably due to medication”, “I see him sicker.” as drunk,” “I don’t think it’s alcohol, something happened to him.”

There were also questions for the person who shared the footage, as online users found it strange that they only noticed Miramontes’ posture at the end of the play, even though he plays one of the main roles.

On the other hand, there were comparisons between the actor and the comedian Juan José Mendoza, artistically known as “JJ”. A week ago, the comedian experienced an unpleasant episode during one of his performances in Tabasco when he apparently tried to perform his show under the influence of some substance. He later admitted that he did not know what happened to him as he was in a state where he could not communicate with the audience.

So far, Ariel Miramontes has not commented on the video. In addition, other netizens express their doubts as to whether it is really the famous actor or whether it is another performer.

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