Users accuse House of Famous Mexico of cheating Metro World

Users accuse House of Famous Mexico of ‘cheating’ Metro World News

A few weeks ago, Televisa acquired the rights from La Casa de los Famosos to produce an edition in Mexico. Starring the likes of Paul Stanley, Sergio Mayer, Poncho de Nigris, Bárbara Torres, Wendy Guevara and Apio Quijano, this first season has been the talk of the town since day one.

Cheating at the House of Famous?

Among the scandalous things is that there have been users who have insinuated that their host, Galilea Montijo, made a live gesture. On June 21, the reality show’s nominations were held, and when Montijo reached out to the celebrities, he said, “I’ll be in touch with you later to give you the list of nominees.” Good luck to you everyone and good night folks.

But what caught our attention was that she brushed her hair over her ear and the gesture was echoed by Stanley. Let’s remember that both worked together at Hoy.

Communication gesture by Galilea Montijo

According to viewers, the gesture would have meant a message from Galilee to his colleague and was ruled a fraud.

“I think he told him he wasn’t nominated because Paul sort of relaxed”; “Paul Stanley out, darling of Galilee, out of the kitchen and the house of celebrity”; “What has happened there? “Besides the fact that Galilea Montijo says everything backwards, he makes signs,” read some comments from users on social networks.

Galilea: “We have no favoritism”

A few days later, Galilea clarified live: “I want to clarify that although we know all the residents of the house or the majority, some of them have known for a long time, others less, but the truth is that we all love them. We do not have, and should not, have any preference for any participant in the House.