Using a file opened by Seprona the Guardia Civil captured

Using a file opened by Seprona, the Guardia Civil captured two kangaroos that had escaped from the property of a private individual

According to reports, Seprona (Conservation Service) caught this Saturday two kangaroos that escaped from a private farm in the Madrid municipality of Villanueva de la Cañada, with almost 23,000 inhabitants and 30 kilometers east of the capital. At around 12:30 p.m., the agents of this city and El Escorial received a call. It was a security guard from the Camilo José Cela University, about 12 kilometers from the community, who warned of the presence of the two animals near the private institution. Several troops arrived on the scene and cornered the marsupials, eventually capturing them “safely.” They then moved her back to the property, whose owner, they discovered, had already started a file. “This means that he is being investigated as to how he got the two animals,” says a police spokeswoman.

Kangaroos are considered exotic animals and the speaker explains that it is not illegal to keep them, but that you need a permit to do so and you also have to provide them with an appropriate and safe habitat so that their well-being is guaranteed and escapes are made prevented. “At the moment we don’t know if they were bred in captivity here or where they come from,” he says. Still, he continues, they chose to bring them back to the farm – “a large area” – because it is an environment they already know and where they assumed they would be better off would go until the ongoing investigation is completed to determine whether the owner has all the documents in order.

In a video released by the Guardia Civil, the two kangaroos – not very large – can be seen running and jumping around the area where they were found, while the agents try to surround them so they can put them in gray transport boxes similar to those used to bring other animal species, such as cats. According to the Guardia Civil, the two marsupials were near the university fence, not far from the farm and where the security guard had discovered them.

The Community of Madrid has a wildlife recovery center in the town of Tres Cantos, where it also collects exotic animals in case, as stated on the website, “due to the threat they pose to ecosystems can be released into the natural environment”. .” Any citizen who owns an exotic animal that they can no longer care for can visit this center, as can anyone who comes across an injured animal or invasive species. The Ministry of Ecological Transition has a specific catalog of invasive species that “may pose a serious threat to native species, habitats or ecosystems, the agricultural economy or economic resources related to the use of natural heritage,” and the list is open to updates . Mammals recorded include raccoons, brown and black rats and Vietnamese pigs, but not kangaroos.

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