Vai na Fe finale Theo invades the wedding to kidnap

Vai na Fé finale: Theo invades the wedding to kidnap Sol and seals his fate TV

If nothing changes, Theo (Emilio Dantas) will end Vai na Fé behind bars like Jenifer (Bella Campos) always wanted. Before the breakup, however, the bandit from Globo’s seven o’clock soap opera will show off one of his tricks. He will ambush Sol (Sheron Menezzes) and Ben (Samuel de Assis)’s wedding to kidnap the bride, but ends up being captured by the police.

The final chapter of the Rosane Svartmanwritten storyline will air on August 11th. Right at the beginning of the last episode, Theo is going to blow up his shed with Ben inside to kill his eternal rival. The insane bandit distributes gasoline cans and bottles in the aisles and finally sets the place on fire. But the lawyer will save himself to have a happy ending alongside Sol.

Theo is missing and considered a fugitive from the police, having killed Orpheus (Jonathan Haagensen) at that point in the series. Jenifer (Bella Campos) will also find out that her biological father was responsible for the accident that killed Carlão (Che Moais). Cornered, the villain hides in the shed.

After Ben’s attack, it will be a while before the public feels that Theo can go unpunished (once again) for all the evil he’s done throughout the series.

But he soon turns up disguised as a waiter to kidnap the bride in the middle of the wedding. However, the plan is discovered. Justice will be done and Theo will be arrested for the crimes he committed.

Vai na Fé occupies the 7 p.m. slot in the Globo program. The telenovela will be replaced by Gustavo Reiz’s Fuzuê, scheduled for August. The series will star Giovana Cordeiro and Marina Ruy Barbosa as the young lady and villain, respectively.

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