1668213564 Valentina Ferragni ex Luca Vezil admits When I was abandoned

Valentina Ferragni, ex Luca Vezil, admits: “When I was abandoned…”

there relationship in between Valentina Ferragni and Luca Vezil is over. It’s been a month since the two publicly announced the end of their relationship. However, a new one was not long in coming flame for sister’s ex-boyfriend Chiara Ferragni: Luca Vezil was pinched by Chi during the night Halloween in the company of a mysterious girl. However, to clarify the situation, it was Vezil himself who divided between the two Instagram stories a direct message to followers and to gossip spreading in these last few days.

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Valentina Ferragni ex Luca Vezil admits When I was abandoned

What Luca Vezil wrote

Luca Vezil He confessed that he did not want to reveal the reason for the breakup Valentina FerragniDecision on which the former partner has decided respect, remain silent. but hey gossip circulating on the net about an alleged Treason he doesn’t stop there and blurts out: “Something that was not only false but also defamatory was written and said, claiming that I had previously dated a girl that I met on the night in question, so never seen before and later never seen again I just want to say one thing: when I was LeftI agree to respect not only my ex-partner’s decision, but also her decision not to disclose the details of the same, I have decided to leave home independently and continue mine life like I’ve always done, making myself strong and based on what I’ve always held dear, my values, my affection family and mine friends“.

“Life goes on”

And then again: «During this time I preferred to experience my pain once relationship over, without excess and without throwing myself into good nights or anything else. If I had sought visibility from this situation, I would have behaved differently. Since this scoop is intended to hold me accountable for a decision I suffered, ie neither made nor caused, I would like to invite those who have expressed opinions to reconsider their positions. there truth it is in the hands of two people and no one else ».

Then he emphasizes that respect which nourishes it towards the decision made by Valentina: «I agreed to keep it reserved Out of respect for a person who has accompanied me through the most important years of my life. Life goes on and for me there will always be respect for everyone and the intention to always look forward ».

Last updated: Friday 11 November 2022 2:43 pm