1673767046 Valentina Ferragni without panties quotTerriblequot

Valentina Ferragni without panties? "Terrible"

Valentina Ferragni without panties quotTerriblequot

Valentina Ferragni always sexier. The influencer’s sister Clare Ferragni wearing a mini dress that leaves little room for imagination. The occasion? His birthday. In the post including photos on Instagram, Valentina describes the dress in one word: “leather”. Not only is the outfit black and very short, but it also features roses on the hips, allowing a glimpse of the body and suggesting that Ferragni is not wearing panties.

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However, the choice of style did not please everyone: “But what would you wear? If it were a dress it’s terrible”One user comments on her, while another resents him: “She’s beautiful, but I’m sorry to say that the dress is terrible.” And again: “Get rid of it, the dress doesn’t suit you”, “But why? !?”, “Frightening, it’s a shame you have to dress like that to attract attention”. Among Valentina’s stories, Chiara Ferragni also appears, also in a black but long fabric dress.

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However, their resemblance is deceptive. A user on social media swapped Valentina for her sister: “Hi Chiara you’re beautiful! Even today I can say that you are the best woman for Fedez.” At this point, Valentin’s followers intervened, immediately responding to the comment by writing: “It’s his sister Valentina, it’s not Chiara.” And who knows whether others have trouble distinguishing them from you.