Valentina Nappi Maria Sofia does dad decide All porn actors

Valentina Nappi: “Maria Sofia, does dad decide?” All porn actors with each other’s cocks ». And she takes offense and counters

There porn actress Valentina Nappi She commented on a real media case related to the 18-year-old Maria Sofia Federico and his participation in the Rocco Siffredi Academy. Sharing the video in which the girl explains that Rocco Siffredi confirmed to her father that no sex scenes would be filmed with her daughter, Valentina Nappi replied: “A woman who lets her father decide for her in 2023 should do not have “right to choose”.

Maria Sofia Federico did not like this statement and it caused a long outburst on social media. Here’s what he said.

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Both in the tweet and in the comments, porn star Valentina Nappi took a tough, tough stance on the Maria Sofia Federico case: “All porn actors with other people’s cu*o” and again: “She’s much prettier than me.” Too bad he doesn’t have a quarter of my courage.’

The answer from Maria Sofia Federico

“Hello Valentina, I read the tweet you made about me and I would like to answer – writes Maria Sofia Federico on Instagram –. By now I found your suggestion that I didn’t have the right to vote because my father controls me and I didn’t have a quarter of your courage, indelicate. “This annoys me because you have commented on this scandal without paying attention to anything else and what I was humiliated by my father on the radio in front of the whole country to be described as the reason for the destruction of my family,” she wrote on Instagram.

In the lengthy outburst, the young aspiring porn actress complains to Valentina Nappi about her inadequacy: “I want to talk about the tears I’ve shed and the great loneliness I’ve felt over the past few years because of my struggles.” As much as I screamed to argue with my father when he refused me the academy, blood spurted from my throat.

Maria Sofia Federico, who hopes to one day befriend her colleague Valentina Nappi, concludes: “Don’t be superficial about situations you don’t know, so as not to offend others.”

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