A month after quitting BBB 24, Tiktoker Vanessa Lopes finally broke her silence and gave her first interview. She spoke to Fantástico this Sunday (18) and argued that pressing the button to leave detention was the best decision she could have made.
“I still think the decision was a relief, I'm still very happy. Of course, I really wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, which is a unique opportunity, an opportunity that most people want, but I wasn't in a good position to live that,” Vanessa admitted.
“I would rather be at home, getting medical care, taking my medication, being with my family and friends than actually being who I was there. [no reality show]”explained the influencer.
When asked how she is doing now, Vanessa was direct. “Two words define me: 'relief' and 'fear.' Relief because I have family and friends who are very supportive during this time. And fear of judgment,” he summarized.
The cancellation that so worries those who work with social networks also affected Vanessa. “The fear of judgment, of what people will think of us, was what concerned me most at that moment. Everything I ever experienced with the internet, all the opinions and judgments people had about me, were certainly my pain that came to shine inside. I have no doubt about that.”
She explained that her psychiatrist had diagnosed her with an acute psychotic illness. “It's like my mind is detached from reality. It's like I no longer understand what was the imagination in my head and what was real. And that happened because of stress, lack of sleep, fear… fear of what was happening outside the program, fear of what was happening inside the program,” the influencer listed.
“I created several fanfics in my head and kept saying, 'Look, what I have in my head might be real or not,'” she recalls. The Tiktoker's parents told the electronic magazine that they believed their daughter was faking the confusion as a strategy for the reality show.
Vanessa said she has experienced episodes of disorder before. “I have had episodes in my life where I needed medical attention, but I never had this particular situation.”
Since leaving BBB 24, she has stopped posting on her social networks even though they are her working tool. What he experienced in reality changed his perspective on life. “Sometimes I think my generation is in a hurry. It's an 'Oh, I have to do this' generation. But in order to do anything, we must first take care of ourselves.”
To Fantástico, the doctor who takes care of Vanessa, Antônio Geraldo da Silva, who is also president of the Brazilian Psychiatric Association, pointed out that the Tiktoker's acute psychotic state could occur even in those who have never had problems before .
“You don’t have to have a history to make this diagnosis,” he said, giving the patient a positive outlook. “The future will depend entirely on what you do with the disease in the present. The sooner you intervene, the sooner you have the best prognosis.”