Vanessa Lopes gets caught at the airport after leaving BBB

Vanessa Lopes gets caught at the airport after leaving BBB 24

Vanessa Lopes became the main topic on social media this Friday(19)after withdrawing from BBB 24. The influencer surprised the brothers that afternoon by hitting the retreat button in the room.

Shortly after leaving TV Globo's reality show, Vanessa Lopes was caught by some fans at the airport in Rio de Janeiro on the way to São Paulo, where she lives.

In the photo shared on social media, Vanessa Lopes appears to wave to her fans in a private room at the airport where she was waiting for her flight to the capital São Paulo.

Vanessa Lopes had given several hints in recent weeks that she had mental health problems within the reality show. The influencer got into an argument with MC Bin Laden on Wednesday (17).


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The post Vanessa Lopes gets caught at the airport after abandoning BBB 24 appeared first on Observatório dos Famosos.

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