Vanessa Lopes is excluded from the opening vignette of BBB 24 Splash

The eliminated brothers and sisters appear in black and white in the opening. After showing Thalyta, who was eliminated in second place, the vignette immediately jumped to Vinicius.

To the sounds of Paulo Ricardo and AlokClick here to view the original version of the vignette.


Vanessa Lopes withdrew from the show on Friday afternoon (19).. The sister was talking to the brothers when she decided to give up.

Earlier, in a chat with Nizam, the sister questioned her participation in the reality show. “What if I press it? The people who were on my side think I’m telling my life to loot because they think I’m the only one who’s going to win.”

Next, Vanessa hit the exit button but was stopped by Nizam. “No, please don’t,” said Nizam. “Leave me, please leave me,” Vanessa said.