Vanusa’s daughter, Aretha Marcos, 48, has returned to solicit money on social media. The former child presenter and singer was seeking financial help and claimed to have been without food since yesterday.
In an Instagram post, Aretha asked the artists to sympathize with her plight and help her with a bank deposit.
“Would one of the artists playing the game, defending, protecting and profiting from it that exploits my personal life, perhaps at least put down money for a coffee? I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. I’m so thankful to be your toy,” she wrote. who posted a picture of the bank details.
As early as 2020, Aretha had asked for money on the Internet to finance her home. Vanusa’s daughter did a virtual crowdfunding with the aim of raising R$150,000 but only managed to raise R$5,000. In the video she posted asking for help buying the home, she explained her reasons.
“I’m doing a campaign to buy my own house. Anyone who can help me by putting some money into my account, I really appreciate it. It’s helping me achieve my dream,” he said, holding a sign with his highly bank details.
According to the Extra newspaper, she has been renting for four years, alone and isolated, in a simple house located on a farm owned by actress Helena Ranaldi’s parents, in Piracaia, inland São Paulo.
Aretha, sister of actress Paloma Duarte by her father and businessman Rafael Vanucci, is the daughter of singer Vanusa, who died in November 2020, with singer Antônio Marcos.