1672817726 Vargas Llosa speaks with a sentence that leaves no room

Vargas Llosa speaks with a sentence that leaves no room for doubt after his split from Isabel Preysler

Mario Vargas Llosa in Madrid.

Mario Vargas Llosa in Madrid.

The year 2022 ended with news that rocked the world of coated paper: the split of Isabel Preysler and Mario Vargas Llosa, announced on April 1, after eight years of dating.

Ironically, the Queen of Hearts announced in her headline ¡Hola! the definitive end to the coexistence with the Peruvian Nobel laureate, who had not previously spoken about what happened.

“Mario and I have decided to end our relationship for good,” Isabel Preysler said. “I no longer wish to make a statement and thank friends and the media for helping us make this decision,” he said in a brief interview, which cited the writer’s jealousy as the reason the relationship ended.

Now, with a dark blue cap and a book on his lap, he wanted to talk about what had happened. “I’m very well,” said the author of La Fiesta del Chivo, who has confirmed that he spent the day in Paris. He wanted to confirm the break, but not the reasons for it, which have appeared in the press in recent days.

“No, no… there are no reasons for the separation. It’s not true, they’re not true,” said Vargas Llosa, referring to the rumors of alleged jealousy that have been discussed in the press in recent days.

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