Vatican Criticism of Benoit XVIs personal secretary opposite Pope Francis

Vatican: Criticism of Benoit XVI’s personal secretary opposite Pope Francis

Bishop Gänswein and Pope Francis meet after the funeral mass of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. on January 5th at the Vatican. IPA/Marco Iacobucci/Sipa USA via Portal Connect

STORY – Bishop Georg Gänswein publishes embarrassing information for Francis, especially on the liturgy.

This is a wounded man’s book. However, it will remain a rare document on the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. Bishop Georg Gänswein, 66, former personal secretary of Cardinal Ratzinger since 1996, then of Benedict XVI. until his death on December 31, tells about his “life at the side of Benedict XVI” with the support of the journalist Saverio Gaeta , subtitle of the book.

It was published in Italy this Wednesday, less than a week after the Pope Emeritus’ funeral last Thursday, by the Piemme publishers under the title Nient’altro che la verita (“Nothing but the truth”). To this day it is not known who will publish it in France, but Le Figaro was able to obtain the manuscript.

The injured is this German priest, known for his mischievous smile and kindness, but known for his pugnacity when he reveals himself. In fact, genuine pages of history follow one another, helping to reveal little-known sources of the personality of Benedict XVI. and lines dictated by bitterness, in which Bishop Gänswein…

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