Vatican fiery hearing for Becciu trial The Cardinal against Chaouqui

Vatican, fiery hearing for Becciu trial. The Cardinal against Chaouqui: “The Pope told me he didn’t want to hear his name anymore”

What took place today in the Vatican Court was a tumultuous hearing in which the President of the Court, Joseph PignatonShe had to fight to get the hearing going. Witnesses gave testimony in the trial on the management of the State Secretariat’s funds today, January 13 Genoveffa Ciferri and Frances Immaculate Chaouqui. The first, a Franciscan tertiary and former collaborator in Italian intelligence, spoke of friendship with Monsignor Alberto Perlasca and want to help him with the investigation. Ciferri then said he had also received various “comprehensive and detailed information on the course of the investigation” from Chaouqui himself, who indicated that he had “a common strategy with the justice promoter”. diddiwith the professor Milanwith the gendarmerie and even col Holy Father». Ciferri would also have known of a plan to have the accused arrested, which was always informed by Chaouqui Cecilia Marogna on Vatican soil. Plan later to be revised due to the Cardinal’s reluctance Peter Parino.

Chaouqui’s hearing was even hotter. The former member of the Vatican Economic Commission, the Matterthen brought to trial and convicted in the case Valileak’s 2, explained how complicated it is to carry out economic controls in the State Secretariat. “We didn’t succeed with Cosea, we didn’t succeed with the Cardinal fur and the Economic Secretariat, we have succeeded in the judiciary». Chaouqui described Perlasca as always elusive but denied the ominous intent of the very harsh messages sent by her and read in the courtroom today. Before the hearing, Chaouqui told the press he wanted to testify “against the frauds, the constant deceptions against Pope Francis.”

Beccius spontaneous explanation

After the statements of the two women, Cardinal Angelo Becciu wanted to make a spontaneous statement. «You will have understood, she has something against me – said Becciu in reference to Chaouqui –. A lot against me actually. And one of the allegations that I completely deny is that I gave the order to arrest her and that I had no mercy on her condition as a pregnant woman. It’s a lie, false, it happened at the beginning of November 2015. I was in my country, Sardinia. It was the Commander who questioned her Giani and he called me: I arrested Ms. Chaouqui. I said to him: “Are you crazy?”. “No, I had every reason to.” Then later he said he was pregnant, it was a few months. How can you see at three months? I absolutely reject that.” Becciu admitted that after about seven hours of the hearing, it was not easy to “speak calmly”. Also because “I wanted to say that I almost feel jealous of him – of Chaouqui , it is so easy to say: “I am the Holy Father, I go, I return, I in the name of the Holy Father” , I acted as a proxy, I did not have the ease of going to the Pope to deliver orders ».

«Regarding Cosea – continued Becciu – he says that he came to the Secretariat of State earlier, he imposed himself on Perlasca. It seems strange to me. Usually the one who comes is the President of Cosea and first asks the Deputy if he can come in with his staff and have documents from the office, it’s strange and not very truthful. How is it possible that – Chaouqui – has material? Since I left the office I have nothing – he underlined – I can’t keep an office sheet, everyone has to leave with an empty pocket. The documents remain I’m amazed he has these leaves. It’s against all the rules. How can someone like that have documents if they are delicate?”.

Regarding the messages exchanged between Chaouqui and Becciu “I still have them all here – says the cardinal -. How can you tell they belong to Ms. Marogna who manages my accounts? I have them all here, unanswered. And do you know why? Because when I spoke to the Holy Father about it, he said: “I advise you not to answer”. Only once did I reply to her at Christmas, son’s face, “happy birthday,” I told her. He can’t say they’re managed by who knows who. There are messages where he praises, where he presents me best, and messages where he totally destroys me,” commented Becciu.

“Instead, I take responsibility for two acts that one – Chaouqui – can become angry and resentful for. When the Cosea Commission was put together in 2013 and the list of names was sent to the State Secretariat, I was shocked when I saw the name because I had received serious reports about him. It was usually the case for the Secretariat of State to approve the appointments to do the “de more”. We were at the beginning of the pontificate and the rules were being broken. The name… we were presented with a fait accompli. A few months ago I had reports that were not in favor of this lady, I ran to the proper authorities and said: This lady is not worthy of working here at the Vatican. You didn’t listen to me.”

“Another act, Vatileaks – Becciu added – I took part in the commission that had to decide whether to proceed with the denunciation of the authors of the publication of the secret documents or with the administrative dismissal. The commission all voted in favor of appealing to the judges. The Commandant brought the result to the Pope and the Pope authorized the denunciation. These may be reasons for hatred, but they are the only ones with whom I faced Chaouqui in the Vatican.” On the question of grace: “It is true that you sent me your pastor Lojudice, whom I welcomed , and said: ‘Formally present the petition and I will present it to the Holy Father’. I introduced her and her reply was “Your Excellency, don’t tell me that name again”. “Holy Father, we have little time left, let us be satisfied”. He repeats: “Don’t call me that name again in here, I have no intention of apologizing to you. And besides, the ticket that does not enter the Vatican is still valid, this woman is not allowed to enter. It was 2017.”

The note from Beccius’s defense attorneys, attorneys Fabio Viglione and Maria Concetta Marzo

Today’s hearing further confirmed the animosity towards the Cardinal that both Ms. Ciferri and Ms. Chaouqui harbored at the time Monsignor Perlasca changed his stance on the case against him. The two witnesses have reconstructed many facts and circumstances diametrically opposed, so that the court must judge a confrontation motion precisely in the light of the absolute incompatibility of the versions submitted. All this confirms the impossibility of extracting from these sources useful elements for the reconstruction of the truth that is close to our hearts and which we are sure the third judge will recognize. As for the emphatic references to the Holy Father della Chaouqui, the cardinal’s simple reading of a letter of August 2022, written in the Pope’s hand and filed in deeds, belies the whole scenario conjured up by the witness became the Holy Father, who claimed to have constant meetings with him.

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