1682093673 Venezuela and Bolivia Strategic Alliance for Latin America CMKX

Venezuela and Bolivia Strategic Alliance for Latin America | CMKX Radio Bayamo

Venezuela and Bolivia Strategic Alliance for Latin America CMKX

Caracas-. Venezuela and Bolivia agreed here to contribute, in a complex and diverse context, to the integration of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, an aspiration of most countries in the region today.

Presidents Nicolás Maduro and Luis Arce made progress in this direction yesterday with the signing of 13 cooperation agreements in strategic sectors by foreign ministers, ministers and business leaders, some of whom are regional powers.

Letters of intent initialed included the return of cultural property; education, cooperation in judiciary, science, gas and hydrocarbon matters; health training; Mining; act; and commercial empowerment.

It also included an agreement between the Venezolana de Noticias and Boliviana de Información agencies; in air transport services and reliability of information between gas companies.

The Venezuelan President appreciated that the two-day celebration of the III. Joint Integration Commission represented “a precise step” to resume the path of building a strong comprehensive relationship between both governments, countries and peoples.

He considered the agreements signed in the oil, gas and petrochemical sector to be strategic in order to unite the companies in these important areas, thereby advancing the proposal “that we have made to Latin America and the Caribbean to ensure the energy security of oil and gas ” .

As well as the absolute security of the petrochemical industry, which guarantees the products, fertilizers and everything that the economies of the region need.

Maduro expressed his admiration for the advances made by the Bolivian gas industry in recent years, in addition to its position as a producer and supplier of gas “for the energy equation” of South America.

He said the Bolivarian Republic had certified the world’s eighth gas reserve and announced that the latest studies and exploration provided “the good news” that his country could certify the third or fourth reserve on the planet, which, he said, gives the dimension of the strategic alliance reached between the two states.

The President recalled that in the debate convened by his Mexican counterpart Andrés Manuel López Obrador on joint economic responses in Latin America and the Caribbean to global challenges, Venezuela proposed, together with Bolivia, a central axis of petrochemical investment.

All this, he assured, to ensure the petrochemical products and especially the fertilizers that the land of the farmers of the entire region needs and to produce food for the cities.

This is a strategic alliance that requires devoting time and looking for results, he noted.

We are on the right side of history and the battles to come will have only one goal: the victory of the peoples of Bolivia, Venezuela and the united peoples of Latin America, stressed Maduro.

Arce expressed in the broadest sense that his country must improve the integration of Latin America in order to “build this great homeland that we yearn and long for”, this step is a grain of sand to move forward in this “great society” the dream of El Libertador and many others.

The strengthening of bilateral ties, enshrined in the agreements reached after several days of work by ministers and technical teams, “marks the restart” of relations between Caracas and La Paz, he assured.

Celebrating that the agreements are the starting point of relations between his government and that of Venezuela, he assured that they will continue to work to achieve integration in communications and air transport as well, and that the Bolivarian Republic feels it is in Bolivia to have a great ally.