Venezuela is experiencing a wave of repression after the UNs

Venezuela is experiencing a “wave of repression” after the UN’s exclusion, says María Corina Machado

In a worrying turn of events for the situation Human rightsVenezuela has expelled officials from the country U.N., sparking international concern and strong condemnation from opposition leader María Corina Machado. This action by the government of Nicolas Maduro marks another step in what many call “repressive wave” against dissent and freedom of expression in the country.

The suspension of the activities of the UN Human Rights Office in Venezuela by Chavismo was described this Friday as “dangerous” by Machado, a prominent opposition figure.

The leader of Vente Venezuela assured that in the country there is “a repressive wave” from the authorities in order to “prevent free and transparent presidential elections“, which are estimated for this year.

Venezuela expels UN officials

The Venezuelan government's decision to close the operations of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights is seen as a clear setback in the fight for human rights in Venezuela.

This measure was interpreted as an attempt to silence critical voices and limit independent international observation.

What did María Corina Machado say about the suspension of the UN in Venezuela?

María Corina Machado, a prominent figure in the Venezuelan opposition, strongly condemned the expulsion from the UN, interpreting it as a herald of greater persecution and a direct blow to democracy and freedom in the country.

Machado called on the international community not to remain indifferent to this situation and to support the fight for human rights in Venezuela.

    María Corina Machado was disqualified by Venezuela's Supreme Court.  Photo: AFP

María Corina Machado was disqualified by Venezuela's Supreme Court. Photo: AFP

US calls expulsion of UN office in Venezuela 'alarming'

The US expressed concern about the expulsion from the UN office, calling it “alarming”. The US government views this action as retaliation for the United Nations' work in defense of human rights and as a sign of the Maduro government's increasing repression.

This situation has increased tensions between Venezuela and the international community, and Maduro is being called on to reverse the decision and give international organizations a free hand.