Venezuela is heating up on all fronts 100 days after opposition primaries

(EFE) that get worse when there is 100 days left until the appointment.

The maelstrom, worsening every day, involves the Supreme Court (TSJ), the National Electoral Council (CNE), the Anti-Chavista National Pre-electoral Commission (CNP), the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Parliament and the President Nicolás Maduro, the Accounting Office, the opposition coalition Plataforma Unitaria (PU), the international community, the presidential candidates and citizens.

With such a cast, the diatribes are numerous and come from all quarters, again heralding an uncertain fate that seems to be being determined as the tension builds.

The TSJ drew almost everyone’s attention after accepting a motion to stay the primaries submitted by pre-candidate Luis Ratti for review

The TSJ drew almost everyone’s attention after shedding a motion to suspend the primaries of primary candidate Luis Ratti, a politician who has been a member of Chavismo for years and who in recent weeks has seen him seek jail for opponents Examination has admitted running for president.

Furthermore, on the electoral board, with an auditors’ office keeping secret the list of those banned from holding public office, no one is safe, so anyone with support for running for election in October or in the 2024 presidential election doesn’t know if that’s possible is measured in elections until the institution announces that it is free from sanctions.

For María Corina Machado and Henrique Capriles, who have no chance of running in the presidential election, that doubt has already been dispelled as the two most-supported candidates are disqualified by the Comptroller’s Office, a body headed by a radical Chavista.

Meanwhile, the CNE leadership, made up mostly of pro-government figures, opted for hara-kiri and resigned after two years from the posts they were supposed to hold for a seven-year period, leaving the opposition unable to assert themselves technically to express support in the October elections.

This opened the door for Parliament, with an overwhelming pro-government majority, to now work on appointing new electoral officers, a process that opponents and several NGOs say is aimed at undermining citizens’ trust and establishing a more pro-CNE CNE Chavismo.

In any case, the CNP is moving forward in its appeal to internal voters, although it has not yet defined how many voting centers it will have or where, or what mechanisms will guarantee the legitimacy of the process that will determine the flag-bearer The presidential elections will take place.

Parliament has closed around Maduro and, like the President and the PSUV, is ensuring that the opposition hides plans for violence.

Legislative leader Jorge Rodríguez announced on Thursday that they will not invite the European Union Observation Mission to vote in 2024

Legislative leader Jorge Rodríguez announced on Thursday that she would not invite the European Union Observer Mission for the 2024 vote, citing the bloc for breaking regulations and interfering by criticizing the disqualifications imposed on opponents.

Meanwhile, Maduro has chaired several events with the armed forces, urging the military to be vigilant and respond vigorously to anti-Chavismo strategies, which he asserts aim to destabilize the country.

The opposition has shown divisions despite attempts to create unity, notably in a debate on Wednesday between eight of the 13 primary candidates that ended with no agreement on what to do if the winner of the internal elections fails to present themselves before the CNE for who can register presidential elections.

Although the candidates have vowed to jointly oppose any legal action against the primaries, they have not agreed on alternative plans to overcome the obstacles the institutions face leading up to the 2024 election.

The anti-Chavistas are expected to hold a first meeting next week to bring their positions closer together without halting the election campaign, which has already heated up several communities where the electoral issue has once again dominated discussions, always with a view to the TSJ. In the auditor’s office, and almost anywhere, a twist could come that changes everything.


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