And where almost a year ago water, mud and stones swept away houses and shops and some traces were still visible, foreign and domestic artists showed their works full of symbolism of love for life, nature and people.
In keeping with the motto that will accompany the Biennale until December 15: “Art lies on the street, memory and hope”, this first day in La Hoyada was marked by the performances of the Venezuelan artists Adriana González (La Venus del Sur) and Irina experienced Gutiérrez (Connected).
The renovated Plaza Bolívar was also the scene of traditional music, dances and songs, where children showed their ability to paint with a brush and love the environment, their flag and their beloved Venezuela.
In statements to Prensa Latina, American muralist, teacher and poet Wayne Morris admitted that it was his first time physically in the Bolivarian Republic, but “emotionally and politically I have always been in Venezuela.”
He pointed out that he followed the Bolivarian process from where we fight: “We closely follow the legacy of Commander-in-Chief Hugo Chávez (1954-2013) and we continue to defend so that his historical legacy endures.”
Venezuelan Culture Minister Ernesto Villegas highlighted the process of physical reconstruction of La Tejerías, where a landslide caused destruction and death last October – and noted that the task would be incomplete without spiritual reconstruction.
We could build skyscrapers here, but if people do not overcome the trauma and all the vicissitudes “before, during and after the tragedy,” we would do nothing, which is why he suggested that the cultural dynamic should continue beyond December 15th that they are becoming more and more have space.
The mayor of the city, Régulo la Cruz, explained that cultural activities are among the priorities “in the new tomorrow” that is visible in Las Tejerías, in its streets, in the neighbors and in the faces of children and grandparents. with the extensive work done by the Bolivarian Revolution.
During the V Biennial of the South, in which 26 foreign and 47 domestic artists will participate, workshops and artistic interventions will take place in Maracay, the state capital, and the Semilleros del Arte School will be inaugurated in Aragua as well as the Museum of Memory in Castaño, in the same Area.