1650983833 Venice Santina Zampieri dies of Covid at 42 quotThree months

Venice, Santina Zampieri dies of Covid at 42: "Three months ago…"a country in mourning

Venice Santina Zampieri dies of Covid at 42 quotThree months

After a long hospital stay, she died Santina Zampieri. The 42-year-old from Basse in Campolongo Maggiore in the Veneto region has died as a result of Covid. In fact, the woman had not been vaccinated. “We are shocked,” the mayor comments on the terrible news Mattia Gastaldi – She was a sunny woman, always smiling and well known in the village, also because she was active in the parish. I extend my condolences to the entire family. As an administration, we are ready to provide the greatest possible help and support.”

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Santina, an employee in a company, was infected with Covid last March. Some relatives had contracted the virus from her. According to initial rumors, the woman’s situation had deteriorated over the days. And unlike her family, Santina hadn’t been able to deny herself. On the other hand, she felt more and more tired and she had begun to develop breathing difficulties which were becoming more and more acute, forcing her to be admitted to the hospital in Dolo.

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Not even the transfer to all’Angelo, the central hospital in the province, could save her. “I saw them in a pastry shop about 3 months ago – says the former mayor of Campolongo Andrea Zampieri – it seemed to me that he was fine. We said our goodbyes and chatted like we always do. We went to elementary school together, we had known each other all our lives. It was always sunny, proactive. It was she who organized the reunion with old companions over a pizza. I am very sorry”.

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