Ventimiglia the hero chef who cooks 200 meals a day

Ventimiglia, the hero chef who cooks 200 meals a day at 80: “I was born in times of war, the…

The number of migrants who in these days and hours are crowding the services of the Caritas of Ventimiglia, especially the canteen and the toilets, is around 180. But especially for “unaccompanied men and minors, all of whom are still quite young, the “The situation is critical: there is a lack of beds, toilets, washing and resting places,” explains migrant manager Maurizio Marmo. “Ventimiglia is a stopover for these people. “If there were no French police checks, we wouldn’t even see them,” he continues, “they have to look for a way to evade the French police, and the increased border controls by the French mean a further slowdown in their journey, the increase in Rejections.” means stopping in Ventimiglia for several days.” According to Marmo, most migrants attempting to cross the border come mainly “from sub-Saharan Africa and the Horn of Africa.”


The number of 180 meals corresponds to that of the last few days, although some foreigners who have stayed in the city in the past can be seen, a sign that the attempt to emigrate was not successful or that the number of rejections has increased. As for the families, mainly women and children, on Monday there were 14, yesterday there were 8, they come from Ivory Coast and Guinea; While the adults in transit mainly come from Sudan, Eritrea and Mali, they explain to Caritas. Around Ventimiglia you can still see many camps, especially in the Gianchette area, where clothes hang on bars that prevent access to the Roya riverbed. Many of these foreigners are supported by “No Border” associations. Camps can be seen under the railway bridge at the station. The humanitarian emergency shows no signs of abating, the volunteers say, “and with the imminent opening of a sorting center on the French-Italian border of Ponte San Ludovico, the number of rejections is expected to increase.”

The humanitarian commitment of the 80-year-old chef

In this time of need, there are stories of extraordinary kindness and humanitarianism. Like that of Alessandro Foretti, an octogenarian retired chef who has been volunteering for years to refresh the guests of the canteen of the Caritas center in Ventimiglia. Every day he cooks no less than 200 meals, using the pots he prepares 12 kilos of rice, the same amount of couscous, 6 kilos of tomato pasta and cooks around 200 eggs. “I was born in Naples during wartime, when I was three years old I arrived in Ventimiglia and from my father I learned the importance of being a volunteer,” he says, “and so I stand every morning up early and come here so everything is in order.” ready for nine o’clock when we start caring for migrants, many of them call me dad and in recent years I have seen many cry and some even die. What do I think of what France is doing now? I don’t like it at all”. An opinion also shared by Sister Alberta of the Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom, also called Monfortane after Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, who founded it in the hospital of Poitiers in 1703. He has been working for years daily in the center’s clinic, where migrants are treated primarily for trauma and injuries sustained while attempting to cross the border along mountain paths, but also for exposure-related pathologies. “What France is doing seems inhumane to me, completely Europe should help Italy,” he emphasizes, while holding a three-week-old baby, the youngest guest of the newcomers from Lampedusa, in his arms. “The whole of Europe and not just France should help Italy, otherwise we will manage with such large numbers not.”

The concerns of the mayor of Ventimiglia

The mayor of Ventimiglia, Flavio Di Muro, is also critical: “Of course, if we send back four migrants and France rejects one hundred and fifty or two hundred a day, I ask the Italian state whether it is appropriate to review this organization.” I say this without controversy and without proposals from the community, which is limited because it does not manage the border police or cancellations.” This was the comment when he announced the news of the creation of a center for the identification of migrants in Menton, on the French side of the Ponte San Ludovico border crossing. The French’s intention is still not entirely clear, although Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has clearly said that only those who have a valid reason for requesting political asylum will be welcomed into France. However, all other migrants are not accepted. About the center under construction in Mentone, Di Muro says: “As far as I know, they are setting up a structure to detain irregular migrants identified on the French side of the border in the evening hours: this is because the agreements do so provide follow-up support at the border of Ponte San. Luigi during the day until 7 p.m. “I am in constant contact with all supra-municipal bodies and try to propose solutions and ideas for the difficult coexistence of migrants and residents,” he adds, emphasizing that the municipalities actually have little room for maneuver given the refugee issue and the relations between Italy and France is governed by the Schengen and Chambery agreements.

The family support center

Currently, the spacious family reception center (pad) accommodates 15 to 20 people every day: women and children who stop for a night and then continue their journey after refreshment. “The families come from Guinea and Ivory Coast,” explains Christian Papini, head of Caritas Intemelia. “While the adult males, many come from Sudan.” At the moment the numbers are consistent with those of other days.”