Vera Fischer and Fabio Assuncao give up drug addiction transform

Vera Fischer and Fábio Assunção give up drug addiction, transform and rejuvenate 40 years; Photos prove

Vera Fischer and Fábio Assunção have gone through a shocking transformation after their drug addiction

The actress Vera Fischer and the actor Fabio Assuncaofamous for her flawless performance in several Globo soap operas, went through difficult periods of life when they became addicted to drugs.

After years of battling chemical addiction, today’s stars are transformed and the beauty is shocking all fans.

In fact, the now 70yearold Vera Fischer remembered the phase in which she was admitted to a rehabilitation clinic for drug addicts when she was one of the interviewees of the Globo program Conversa com Bial.

Vera Fischer  Photo: ReproductionVera Fischer photo: reproduction
Vera Fischer  Photo: ReproductionVera Fischer photo: reproduction

The actress, like Fábio Assunção, even revealed what the whole process of fighting addiction was like:

“I went in willingly because I was determined to listen to these people. They were very smart people. Everyone had a different drug addiction history. I always learn a lot from people and their stories,” the actress said at the time.

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Today Vera Fischer is beautiful and is going through one of the most successful phases of her career. Already Fábio Assunção showed that he had changed after stopping drinking seven months ago and losing 27 kg.

Actor Fábio Assunção, now 49, revealed that alcohol was the “heaviest drug” that ever went through his life.

The actor opened up about it all in an interview with GQ

Both the actor and Vera Fischer revealed their difficult phase in an interview. The star spoke to GQ Magazine about it after winning Man of the Year in the Personality category:

“When the agony comes, I listen to a song, I let it go. I must have drunk before. I’m getting further away from the things that bothered me every day,” the actor said proudly.

    Fábio Assunção  Photo: ReproductionFábio Assunção Photo: Reproduction
Fábio Assunção  Photo: ReproductionFábio Assunção Photo: Reproduction

The actor also said that studying the principles of philosophy helped him: “It brought me a universal cosmic consciousness that was transformative. I am the son of Obatalá the king of the white cloth who likes silence and has the vibration of justice, clarity and righteousness. It was strong and I can clearly see all the benefits it brought me,” concluded Fábio Assunção.

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