Verizon is adding calls to Cuba at no additional cost

Verizon is adding calls to Cuba at no additional cost

North American broadband and telephone company Verizon announced through its official channels that it will offer international calls from the United States to other Latin American countries, including Cuba, at no additional cost.

Starting this week, Global Choice lets new and existing Verizon mobile customers stay in touch with loved ones in more Latin American countries, including the island, at no additional cost. This is the international fare now included on select fares.

According to a press release, the company’s customers can now select one of 17 Latin American countries to add to their plan, including Cuba, Honduras, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Paraguay and Panama.

This makes Verizon the only operator in the United States to offer a block of minutes for international calls to Cuba at no additional charge. As always, calls and texts to Mexico and Canada are included with select unlimited 5G plans.

“We’re proud to expand our Global Choice international calling plan to reach more countries in Latin America, including Cuba, giving customers a block of minutes each month to call the country of their choice for free,” said Nina Bibby. Senior Vice President of Consumer Marketing at Verizon.


What is Global Choice? It’s only available to new and existing cellular customers who add a line for unlimited 5G postpaid plans. For monthly access, you must add the Global Choice International plan and eligible country within 30 days of plan activation.

You have applied for a loan of US dollars per month for a selected country, the loan will end when the eligibility requirements are no longer met. International calls from the United States to mobiles or landlines are available in select countries only, starting at 30 minutes/month, then up to 0.65 cents per minute depending on the country after the monthly time expires.

In March of this year, Verizon secured $1 billion in network upgrade contracts with the US Department of Defense. This made the announcement one of the largest gains Verizon has ever made from a technology acquisition program in its history.

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